Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Yule Blog Party - a gift x

So Yule has arrived, the Yule log is made, the decorations are hanging up, the telling of stories are in full swing and the walk in the woods has been enjoyed.  Meeting with a friend to partake in coffee and cake is essential, then later on we have traditional Yule activities such as story telling, collecting items in the woods, Yule log to make and generally connecting to nature and earth with a ritual later on.
The list could go on and on and on, but in line with my previous posts about Yule and keeping it simple and the Yule Blog party .... my gift ....

My gift, well 2 actually, 2 fabulous sites to go and have a look at! Seeing you are already online, there is no excuse not to click on the links and discover more ;)

So, firstly, for those that have not discovered her Glennie Kindred, go and look NOW!

Already an avid follower of Rae Beth, Silja and  Mrs Darley/Carole Carlton, Marian Green to name but a fraction of my bookshelves, Glennie Kindred has been an integral find.  In one book  my whole bookshelf can been condensed! Then to discover further publications -  a real joy, along with beautiful handwritten pages and illustrations. 

This is not the forum for a book review but Yule this year can be summed up by some key ideas by Kindred, the notion that whilst rebirth is taking place it is important to note that yes this is a new start, but it is a new start within a wheel or life that is already in existence. Reflecting on this, so many of us vow to make resolutions that often disregard what has already gone before on what is already going on, instead this is some major new idea or new start and then we often wonder while it has failed before we have even started.

So, stopping now, taking stock of your life so far and including that, what is it that you want to stop or change in order for a new aim, goal or belief to be taken up? What will you make room for in your life form this moment on? So with this in mind, working with the many wheels or areas of your life, be it work, personal, career, finance, what old areas do you want to stop and change and give new life to?  This Yule bringing the bright light energy of the increasing hours of light and energy with you, what is it you want to achieve or really do?

But this is not a life coaching session, this is Yule!

So what areas will I be strengthening and giving new life to, what old area will I be addressing and leaving dormant?For me it is about giving more time to my craft, as a Hedgewytch and a solitary I will be putting more time aside, working on my BofS and working with nature more than I have been over the last few years. 
One great way to achieve this has been my Yule gift to my children, membership to the Woodland Trusts Nature Detective club.

So, secondly, take a look at:

A great way to connect and get back to nature – you do not even have to be a member to enjoy the free downloads so take a look!

SO my gift this Yule,
Glennie Kindred and Woodlands Trust Nature Detectives a gift of sharing and disccovery.
I hope with the increasing days of sunlight you will all achieve and discover nature in her many forms and with it, tap into the many energies and ideas that can guide us all.
Yule blessings


  1. Thank you so much for participating and sharing these awesome sites with everyone! Resolutions can be a little bit hard to keep going throughout the year, but with constant reminders, I am sure people will do great! Golly, I hope you enjoy your craft more! Happy Yule!

  2. WOW great sites, Love them, Just getting back into nature after a health struggle and love walking in the Woods with my kids and the Doggy.Thanks for sharing Happy Yule xx

  3. Thanks for sharing your lovely post. I found Glennie Kindred many years ago and her books did help me understand my ways of thinking on many things when I was young and seem to be out of touch with what those around me believed.

    It is always good at this time of year to take stock of where we are and wonder what we need to let go in order for the new buds to come into our life.

    Happy Yule
    J x

  4. Happy Solstice and Merry Yule! Thank you for the lovely gifts you have shared tonight. :)

  5. Thank you so much for the Yule gifts! It's been quite a blessing to get to meet everyone. BB, Meadow

  6. Happy Yule! Thanks for the lovely gifts - I LOVE the prints from the first website. Beautiful!

  7. Fantastic links, thank you for sharing!

    Blessed Yule!

  8. Thank you for remembering nature, and to just inhale it's magnificent beauty!
    Blessed Yule!
